Executive Committee / Directors
Office | Name | Organization | Emails |
President | Mark Lee | Klingner and Associates, PC | mlee@klingner.com |
Past President | Sean Henry | Klingner and Associates, PC | shenry@klingner.com |
Vice President | Stephen Letsky | IDOT | stephen.letsky@illinois.gov |
Secretary | Mary Cave | Thomas Engineering | marycave.pe@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Dennis Schmidt | Retired | den25nis@icloud.com |
Director | David Chamness | Southern Illinois University | david.chamness@siu.edu |
Director | Michael Hill | City of Bloomington | mhill@cityblm.org |
Director | Julie Shipp | WSP | julie.shipp@wsp.com |
Director | Eric Williams | City of Edwardsville | ewilliams@cityofedwardsville.com |
Committee Chairs
Committee | Name | Organization | |
Young Professionals | Cassie Theissen | Baxter & Woodman | ctheissen@baxterwoodman.com |
Chapter Diversity | Michael Hill | City of Bloomington | mhill@cityblm.org |
Government Advocacy | Rich Berning | Retired | richtbern@aol.com |
Conference | Amy Benecke McLaren | Peoria County Highway Dept. | amclaren@peoriacounty.org |
Snow Roadeo | Sie Maroon | City of Peoria | smaroon@peoriagov.org |
Membership | Tom Feger | Retired | tfeger1946@att.net |
IPSI/MAPSI | Sean Henry | Klingner and Associates, PC | shenry@klingner.com |
Newsletter | Tim Peters | IDOT | tim.peters@illinois.gov |
Awards | Lori Daiber | Civil Design, Inc. | ldaiber@civildesigninc.com |
By-Laws | Bob Hotz | Retired | rdhotz@yahoo.com |
Audit | Cindy Loos | Hanson Professional Services | cloos@hanson-inc.com |
Urban Forestry | Mark McDaniel | City of Carbondale | mmcdaniel@explorecarbondale.com |
Mutual Aid | Eric Williams | City of Edwardsville | ewilliams@cityofedwardsville.com |
Scholarship | Mary Cave | Thomas Engineering | marycave.pe@gmail.com |